What is TNR?Friends2Ferals is dedicated to improving the lives of community cats and humanely reducing their numbers over time utilizing TNR (Trap/Neuter/Return).
What is TNR?Friends2Ferals is dedicated to improving the lives of community cats and humanely reducing their numbers over time utilizing TNR (Trap/Neuter/Return).
What is TNR?
TRAP – cats are caught in humane box traps
NEUTER – spayed/neutered and vaccinated
RETURN – returned where they were found to live
TNR humanely manages feral, free roaming and community cats which prevents the cats from breeding and reduces an overpopulation of cats. TNR lowers the intake and euthanasia rates in shelters. It creates a happier and healthier environment for the feral cat.
TNR cats are “ear tipped” to mark them as spayed, neutered, and vaccinated as part of feral or community cat colony.
Spaying and neutering gradually and permanently reduces the number of feral cats in an area. Additionally, it reduces nuisance behaviors such as male spraying/marking, fighting and loud mating encounters.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why Not Trap and Remove the Cats?
Feral cats populate an area that provides food, shelter, and safety. If they are trapped and removed, the space will be filled with other cats who are outside the colony territory. It is called the “vacuum effect.” So, removing and trying to relocate does not work.
Why Not Adopt Out These Cats?
Most often a cat who has lived outdoors is happiest staying outdoors. Some feel they are saving a feral cat by bringing it indoors but typically it hides and is fearful of being indoors. You might partially succeed in “taming” a feral cat over time with plenty of patience. Typically, you must love a feral cat on its terms, not yours.